Croissant Love


Can you think of a better way to start the day than a flaky, buttery croissant?

Every boulangerie in France has an inventory of these golden

treats piled high behind the glass displays.

Some dip them into their morning café créme – me, I like to enjoy the deliciousness

untouched by any other taste!


Maybe its time for a cooking class to make these properly.

The Belle Team

Merry Christmas!

Here we are again… Christmas!

Seems like we just put away last year’s decorations, wrapping paper, and bows.

 The to-do list is long and there may be a few unchecked lines.

Not to worry. The only thing that matters is to spend time with those we love!

cinnamon sticks

Enjoying hot apple cider, quiet chats, stomach-hurting laughter, and happy times

with someone so special that nothing in this world could convince you to miss the time together.

antique Christmas card

There was another One who came to be with you!

He did give up everything – and He owned it all.

He put His divine nature aside to arrive as a baby – think of it!

He loved you so much He hung on a tree taking your punishment.
On the third day He arose and resumed his place as God the Son and waits for you to accept his gift of supreme love – He wants to be with you for all eternity!

He doesn’t want your money, your position, your education, your worldly goods, your ‘good’ works – He wants nothing but your heart – think of it!

How very different from all we hear today. Do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that. Give, do, go, suffer, condemn…

He gave all for us!

A gift is never forced on you, you must simply accept it to enjoy all it holds.

He gave you the gift of freedom, joy, life! – think of it!
He is the Reason we celebrate!

Merry Christmas from the Belle Team! 

‘Tis the Season for Chocolat Chaud

chocolat chaud

Melissa McCardle photographed this delightful article on chocolat chaud

for Belle Inspiration Magazine way back in December 2011.

chocolat and chaud

Le Chocolat Chaud

6 – 8 oz. bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

3 cups hot whole milk

*marshmallows to taste are a definite addition

Heat the milk in a saucepan.

Whisk the chocolate into the warm milk and mix until a smooth consistency.

Pour le chocolat chaud into pretty little cups; add whipped cream or marshmallows until your heart’s content.

hot chocolat and chaud

You can learn more about Melissa here on her blog: Reverie Daydream

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